Friday, 18 February 2011

Is Beyonce Bleaching?

Apparently she hit the bleach bottle! Yasmin Alibhai Brown claims she is betraying Black and Asian women. Some suggest that she uses bronzers to appear darker than she actually is.

Nevertheless the notion of beauty debate rages on with the subtext of the opposition suggesting that to look lighter is to look prettier. Hence they are annoyed at the seer betrayal.  Beyonce is guilty of attempting to leave the ugly dark sisters behind.

The debate made it on to the Matthew Wright Show and Atomic Kittens' [you know the band that once had Kerry Katona] Liz McClaron said quite confidently 'she has blonde hair anyway.' Does she Liz? Does she??????

Did anyone ever believe that this was Leona's hair.

Leona Lewis is alleged to have committed a major crime this week. Apparently she as a new look and the media does not like it. Her hair is darker instead of blonde and her nose seems surgically enhanced and lets not forget the lip shaped top.

Out of all the accussations, the only one that bothered me was the hoo haa about her changing her hair colour to a shade darker which apparently does not suit her. As Leona is mixed race, i am almost certain that her natural air is not blonde unless of course she is an albino which i doubt, not to mention the obvious dark roots on her blonde crown of glory.

To the best of my knowledge the colour of her natural hair would be black. In a nutshell, fringe and crazy length aside she is actually going back to her natural roots. What is shocking is that so many people seem to think she had blonde hair and it got me thinking.

Are we still so segregated as a world and is the media so institutionally  white that they have no clues about what non-white women look like? Or are black women  doing such a good job of fitting in with the dominant aesthetics for acceptance and doing ourselves more harm than good in the process.